Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010


-justin berfikir kalau twitter lebih baik dari pada facebook

-nama mobil Justin : Lisa, Sepeda : Holly, Laptop : welma, sikat gigi : Bob, hairdryer : Jeremy

-justin suka bilang ke cewenya "kau seperti barbie,cantik dan lucu

-setiap Justin selesai belajar, pasti Justin meluk gurunya .:D

-kalo justin lagi homeschooling dia bilang "its like a hell" :D

-justin nangis waktu michael jackson meninggal

-kalo justin gak bangun pagi-pagi, kenny suka cipratin air ke mukanya justin.

-justin suka banget sama permen karet dan rasa kesukaannya rasa strawberry.

-justin bilang setiap bertemu fans perempuannya jantung dia selalu berdetak cepat

-kalo justin ngerasa rambutnya lagi jelek, dia langsung pake topinya. 

-Justin pengen kenal lebih dekat dengan robert pattionson

-video justin rata-rata dilihat 3,98 juta per hari

-mama pattie follow jessica jarell tapi bukan Jasmine

-Justin senang kalu lagi jalan ma cewek terus si cewek pegang tangan Justin.

-Justin said "My life girls everywhere."

-beberapa hotel reject Justin untuk stay, karena mereka tidak mau jadi bahan perhatian

-Video Clip U smile sudah di tonton lebih 5000000 penonton dalam 1 minggu

-Justin susah tidur kalau gak video chat sama Jazzy

-Pattie once said: 'Yes u can all call me Mom just remember u can't date ur brother.

-justin unfollowed jasmine on his personal account

-Justin bilang, kalau nge tweet setiap hari itu penting baginya, supaya Fansnya tahu kalau Justin sangat menghargai fansnya

-justin mengaku dia ga punya banyak waktu buat berkencan sekarang ini

-Justin hacked kenny's account and tweeted 'i am a sexpanther'.

-justin berharap bisa memeluk semua fans nya.waa XD mauuu :D

-Mcdonalds tried to make a burger called McBieber, but it was too hot for the customers to handle .

-Justin: 'you can follow me on twitter to know where I am at all times

-Justin is very sensitive and shows his emotions.

-justin"Girls are crazy! But i love them!"

-justin mau dating sama cewek yang bisa siap dalam waktu yang cepat dan gak suka dandan

-justin suka telfonin cewek yang kasih nomernya ke justin

-sebelum Justin terkenal, kalo justin lagi gak enak badan pas malem minggu biasanya dia nonton DVD dirumah 

-Justin mau sama cewek yang memang cinta sama Justin, bukan karena kekayaan atau ingin ikut terkenal .

-Justin hate it when its dark when he performs , cuz he can't see the pretty girls !

-Justin said "this is my mom. she's so beautiful, look how beautiful she is."

-Justin once tried curling his hair as a joke he said he looked like a girl

-Justin hates it when guys judge girls based on appearance.

-Justin doesn't like to see girls crying over him, he want to see them smile.

-Justin: "When I meet that special girl I want to be able to give her all of what she deserves and nothing less."

-selena gomez bakal motong rambutnya justin kalo dia bisa .

-Jesse McCartney nulis lagu buat album baru Justin

-justin said his one less lonely girl for life is his sister, jazzy, and he'll have her back forever .

-Jasmine Villegas ikut Justin ke Hawai

-9 oktober Justin Bieber ft. Jasmine nyanyi Overboard di Hawai .

-justin smells the food that he never has eaten before if its smells good he eat it.

-Justin: I wanna have a son before I have a daughter so my son can hurt anyone who hurts my little girl

-One of Justin's idols is Wayne Gretzsky hockey ledgend

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